The world of blogging is brand new to me and I hope that I can receive as much information and help from my fellow educators that I can.

I am very interested in finding new and exciting ways to integrate technology in my physical education/health classes. I welcome any new ideas that anyone may have to implement in the gym with my middle school students.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Evaluating the progress of my GAME plan

I am still planning on using my GAME plan in January, but I have done a lot to make sure that my GAME plan works well for my students. For the first item in my GAME plan, I have decided to have some speakers come to my class. I have talked to the principal from the high school, the head football coach, and some student football players and they are planning the come down and talk to my students. This will be a big deal for my students because our high school has one of the best high school football teams in the state of Georgia. The high school currently has seven players that have accepted football scholarships to major colleges and they will come and speak about their journey to attain those scholarships. The head coach will come and talk to my students about hard work and dedication. The principal will come and talk to the students about the high school and how he expects them to be hard working, successful students.

The second item in my GAME plan was to get my blog approved from my administrator. I got the approval. I have also made up letters to send home to the parents so they will know about the blog. On my letter I will have examples of blog websites so they can go on them with their child, and they will see why blogs will be important for our classroom. Dr. Ertmer stated that one of the ways that teachers can assess students learning is by using blogs (Laureate, 2009).


Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Spotlight on Learning: Problem Based Learning [Webcast]. Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas. Baltimore, MD: Author.


  1. That is great you received approval from your administrator! You have conquered the biggest hurdle most of us seem to find ourselves facing. Have you checked out any sample blogs to know how you want to set yours up?

  2. Hi Jennifer,

    I have looked at the blog sites in our walden resource center, but I have not decided on how I want to set it up. I'm not do this until January so I have a little time to decide.

  3. Roderick,
    That's wonderful that you finally received approval from your administrator for your blog. I think it is a great idea to send a letter home explaining to parents what you are doing in the classroom...and even providing examples of other blogs. This is communicating to the parents (a) what is going on in the classroom and (b) that you care enough to share it with them and make them feel included.

    Also, I think it is great that you are bringing in guest speakers to your classroom. A variety of visitors (both that the students are familiar with and from the community) so they can see many benefits and first hand accounts. You mentioned that the high school you teach at has one of the best football programs in Georgia. What high school is it? I grew up in Georgia and attended Starr's Mill High School. I know they are going to the Georgia Dome on Friday/Saturday to play for the 4-AAAA State Championship.

    Good luck with your blog and guest speakers.

