The world of blogging is brand new to me and I hope that I can receive as much information and help from my fellow educators that I can.

I am very interested in finding new and exciting ways to integrate technology in my physical education/health classes. I welcome any new ideas that anyone may have to implement in the gym with my middle school students.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Resources for My GAME Plan

My first GAME plan indicator I will need the following resources: colleague assistance, computers and computer software, guess speakers, and a lot of patients with my students. I have to give my students a healthy environment in which they feel like it is alright for them to try new things to help them bring out their creativity. I will need my cell phone so i can call motivational speakers so they can speak to my students about being creative and being successful. I will have to talk to my administrator so that I can get approval to do all the things I want to do for my students. the only step I havetaken so far involves me speaking to co-workers about ideas of how I can reach my goals with this plan. They have been very helpful and I look forward to getting to some of the other options in my plan.

My second GAME plan indicator I will need the following resources: computers lab and computers, projector so I can show them examples of what blogs will look like, and the white board in the la so that I can write all the instructions up for the blog. I have created a blog in my masters program, but I don't think my students have ever done one. I have not been able to take any steps so far because the computer lab is always full; being a Health teacher, I always get to use it last. I am excited about doing a blog for my class because I know it will help my students stay up to date with all our asignments. Anytime I put technology into a lesson my students love it and they seem to do a better job in the class!


  1. Roderick,
    Do teachers in your school have even a few computers in their classroom? Or do your students have access to them in a computer class? At our school, our PE teacher and computer lab teacher have the same schedule. Our computer lab teacher will switch with the PE teacher and allow the PE kids to access the computers. Not sure how it works at your building, but it's a thought at least. To continue on the computers in the classroom train of thought, would it be possible to create a rotating schedule where you utilize another teacher's computers? Students can rotate to the computer from PE/Health when it's their turn. I am not sure if any of this helps or not, but sometimes we have to get really creative when it comes to getting technology into students' hands.
    Jennifer Walker

  2. Hi Jennifer,

    We do have a few computer in our room, but in my health classroom I don't have any computers besides the one I have. We as teachers have to sign up for the computer lab. Since I'm not an academic teacher I don't get first choice of getting into the lab. The majority of the time I use the lab at the end of the semester because that's the only time I can get into it. I like the roatation idea but I am just an Health teacher and I don't get much say so when it comes to the computer lab.

  3. Roderick,
    How many computers do you have access to? Do you have computers in your classroom, or do you have to reserve computers in a lab or mobile lab? What computer software will your students be using? Also, have you thought about who you want to be some possible motivational speakers?


  4. Hi Roderick,
    I like how you said that you want to provide a comfortable environment for your students. I feel this is also one of the most important thing to do with the students. Allowing them to explore and figure a few things out on their own through trial-and-error can be very beneficial to them. Hopefully they have a chance to with how busy your computer lab has been!

  5. Hi Amy,

    I only have one computer in my room. I have to reserve the computer lab and we have access to about 40 computers in the lab. I will use software like edublogs, wordpress, and teacherfirst. I will get high school students and some business men in our community to come and talk to my students.

  6. Roderick,

    Okay, interesting...I have heard of edublogs, but not wordpress and teacherfirst--I will have to check those out. I like the idea that you would be bringing in visitors from the community. What a great way for the students to connect school to the real world.


  7. Roderick,
    This may sound like work, but it does work when a lab is not available. I have found the number of computers in colleagues’ rooms and asked if my students would be able to use the computers while they are teaching. Sounds disruptive, but really it is not. The students learn to enter the room unobtrusively and tend to their business and only their business. Also, many times the computer labs are not completely filled. Students may be sent there also. Try it; it works.

