The world of blogging is brand new to me and I hope that I can receive as much information and help from my fellow educators that I can.

I am very interested in finding new and exciting ways to integrate technology in my physical education/health classes. I welcome any new ideas that anyone may have to implement in the gym with my middle school students.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blog Application Week Two

The two indicators that I have choosen from the NETS-T are: 2A. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incoporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity and 3B. Collaborate with students , peers, parents and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation.

In order for me to be a better teacher Ifeel that Ineed to look at these two indicators. Indicator #1 (2A) promotes student learning and creativity by incorporating digital tools. In order for me to attain this goal Imust set my students up in a learning environment where they can be creative on a daily basis. With the use of techenology in the classroom the student will have the chance to use their creativity in many ways. Students have an abundance amount of resources and it can only enhance their creativity. I will monitor the students while they are in the computer lab and we will make charts showing how their progress improve each time we go in the lab. In order to evaluate and extend students learning I can ask other teachers for ideas on how I can improve my lesson in which we are doing.

Indicator #2 (3B) promotes collaboration with students, peers, parents , and community members. I will achieve this goal by setting up a class blog for all of my students. I think a blog is a great idea because students will be able to get assignments even if they miss that day of school. The students and I will be able to communicate at any time of the day and even on the weekends. This blog will also be a great way to communicate with my student's parents. A classroom blog will be great for conferences, homework, assignments , collaborative projects, and any student questions. In order for me to monitor the student's progress I will check the blog at the end of each day to see how the students are using the blog. I would evaluate and extend student learning by asking other teachers that have used a blog in their classroom how they make their blog an effective tool for their students.


  1. Roderick,

    I, too, am making indicator 3B one of my GAME plan goals. I also have begun a blog/message board on my teacher webpage to use as a communication tool with students and parents. Have you also considered sending out a monthly newsletter? In addition to my blog, I am also going to send a newsletter by email each month to my student's parents to keep them informed.


  2. No I did not think of a monthly newsletter, but it sounds like a great idea. I hope that my student's parents check the blog with their children.

  3. Roderick,

    I have found that I put the newsletter in 3 places: on my homepage, email out, and print out a hard copy for those parents who do not have internet access. This way parents cannot complain about not being 'in the know'. :)


  4. The more posts I have been reading, the more interested I am in creating a blog for parents to read to. Do you think it would be easy to stay up-to-date with the assignments?

  5. Hi Grace,

    I think that it will be easy for the parents and the students to stay up-to-date with the assignments. I will put all assignments on the blog each Friday so the students will have the entire weekend to make up work that they have missed.
