The world of blogging is brand new to me and I hope that I can receive as much information and help from my fellow educators that I can.

I am very interested in finding new and exciting ways to integrate technology in my physical education/health classes. I welcome any new ideas that anyone may have to implement in the gym with my middle school students.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Using A Blog In Physical Education/Health

After much thought, I came up with an idea of how I would like to implement the use of blogs in my middle school physical education/health classes. Diseases is a major health unit in our middle school curriculum. First, I would assign a specific disease to each student in my class. Next, I would have my students research their particular disease via books, magazines or internet. After all their information is gathered I would take my class into our computer lab and teach my students how to create their own blogs on their assigned diseases. Each of their blogs should contain facts about their disease and even a picture of what the disease looks like. I was thinking that after each student's "disease blog" is created then all the students could go post their links on a links board and subscribe to each of their classmate's blogs. I could have the students use the poll gadget and every day for a whole week each student would post a multiple choice question about their particular disease. Each student would need to visit each of their classmate's blogs to read about the disease and answer the question in the poll. Hopefully, this would be a fun and exciting way to learn about all of the many diseases!


  1. RoderickR,
    That sounds like a great idea. I would even collect some of the questions from the blogs and use those for the upcoming test. That would be a great way to give students ownership in the class. Might I suggest that you have students set up the blogs for the class in general. You may find that you can use them periodically through the entire class and not just limit yourself to the disease section of your curriculum. You might even be able to post video of your students taking part in the class to share with others the importance of physical education. With approval administration and parents, of course.

  2. Roderick,
    I really like your idea for the use of a blog in your physical education class a lot and think it could work really well in its application. One question I have for you though is about when the assignment would be completed. Would you dedicate class time for the library or computer lab or would this be done as a homework type assignment?

  3. RoderickR,
    I was the one who left the anonymous comment on Jan. 14. I did not enter my "comment as" correctly. Hope to hear a response.

  4. I will first respond to mathdiva. Thank you for responding to my blog. Your suggestion about collecting some of my students questions from their blogs for an upcomiing test is an excellent idea. I do plan on using the blogs for my class in general. I just wanted to show an example of how I would use the blog for one of my health units. I really like the idea of videoing my students to serve as a resource for other physical education teachers. Out of all of the physical education blogs I have researched so far I have not seen anyone videotape their students promoting healthy lifestyles...great idea!

    Thanks for responding to my blog Marcus. I will definitely set aside a couple days to visit the computer lab. Our computer lab is huge so the students can work on their blogs at the same time, provide help to each other and I also would be available to help them if need be. We also have five computers in our classroom so I will make a schedule for each of my students to work on each of their blogs during class. I probably would not use this as an homework assignment. However, my students would have the opportunity to use the computers in my classroom on a daily basis because many of them don't have access to a computer at home.

  5. Roderick,
    I think using blogs as a way to get students more engaged is a great idea, especially in the health unit.
    I teach Anatomy and Physiology as well, and I often find myself telling students to think of different parts of the body they are using in gym class, different sports and activities they play, or even every day things. For your P.E. classes, you can have them do research on which muscles are being used in the specific sport you are teaching, or the physiological benefits they can get out of it.

  6. RoderickR
    Maybe you could help me cross curriculum and use some PE activities in my math class. Then my blog could include aspects of both classes. Real World Use.
