The world of blogging is brand new to me and I hope that I can receive as much information and help from my fellow educators that I can.

I am very interested in finding new and exciting ways to integrate technology in my physical education/health classes. I welcome any new ideas that anyone may have to implement in the gym with my middle school students.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What is the website http://www.21stcenturyskills.org/ all about?

My reaction to this website is a very postive one. I am amazed at the commitment that has been made to incorporate 21st century skills to some students in our country. I found out that the “business community, educational leaders and policymakers” are working together to see that the students of today come out of school with the “skills needed to be effective citizens, workers, and leaders in the 21st century”.

I am very impressed with the amount of members in this partnership. However, I am very surprised though that only 14 states are currently involved with this initiative. Knowing how important and how technology is growing and becoming more advance, you would think that more states would want to convert and start using these skills while teaching. My state, Georgia, is not one of them. Wouldn’t you think this should be a national partnership? Why are more states not involved with this? After all, these skills are going to be what our students are going to need in order to compete in the working world, as well as, with machines. I feel that more states should already be making the initiative to incorporate these skills.

It is refreshing to know that there is a place for educators and students to go to for guidance and support in order to teach and learn 21st century skills that are increasingly needed in order to close the gap between our students and those from other countries. I think it is to an educator’s advantage to take the time to study this site. There is a lot of useful information that will support the teacher in providing their students with the 21st century skills they will need. How hard would it be to nationalize something like this Partnership? I am not talking about the funding but the general ideas of the whole framework. I think starting off in the same direction would be a step forward instead of each state working as an individual. We all need to get in the same book, if not on the same page.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Using A Blog In Physical Education/Health

After much thought, I came up with an idea of how I would like to implement the use of blogs in my middle school physical education/health classes. Diseases is a major health unit in our middle school curriculum. First, I would assign a specific disease to each student in my class. Next, I would have my students research their particular disease via books, magazines or internet. After all their information is gathered I would take my class into our computer lab and teach my students how to create their own blogs on their assigned diseases. Each of their blogs should contain facts about their disease and even a picture of what the disease looks like. I was thinking that after each student's "disease blog" is created then all the students could go post their links on a links board and subscribe to each of their classmate's blogs. I could have the students use the poll gadget and every day for a whole week each student would post a multiple choice question about their particular disease. Each student would need to visit each of their classmate's blogs to read about the disease and answer the question in the poll. Hopefully, this would be a fun and exciting way to learn about all of the many diseases!